the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith

pray for
ray franks
in france

Monday, December 28, 2009

I'm "raising support" (organizing a team of friends & family who will pray, encourage, and yes, even $ support!) to be a "missionary" based in France! It's a big stretch to simply just say or type those words; that clear, accurate little sentence. I guess it's a big stretch because even as a musician I've never been one to try to draw a lot of attention to myself. But this truly is not about me. This is all about serving Christ! I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and we all need to stop living in fear.

***We're saved by grace through faith in Christ alone.***
I understand how offensive and exclusionary this sounds and is to so many. But I can't not say it!

The most important thing is: How's God's relationship with YOU? ...have you been reconciled, forgiven, Christ's righteousness imputed, justified, redeemed, adopted?

I really understand how ridiculous this sounds to you guys who don't get it YET, but one of the biggest miracles of God is the way He can use a simple guy like me to just simply spread the Word. stay tuned...

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