My brother in Christ named Schaeffer put together a facebook page dedicated to "Pray for Ray Franks in France". It was posted just last week and 270 folks have already joined the group! Wow, what a platform for mobilizing prayer warriors and may it all glorify the Lord!!!
Maybe I need to a add some more content; pictures, music, video, SCRIPTURES, and I will. But, how wonderful even a simple facebook page can be; wonderful, potentially powerful digital communication (dare I say digital fellowship?) that can hopefully muster prayer warriors who will ask God to do great things. That is of course IF it is motivated by pure hearts (regenerated souls striving for Christ-like humility and love) who are truly united in Christ.
God's got me in full-time support raising mode and it's a big stretch; humbling, encouraging, exciting, sometimes a little bit frustrating, but always filled with strong reminders of who's in control and it definitely ain't me. And I pray: "may it all glorify Jesus Christ our Lord."
You should promote this blog on that FB page. :)